Uplift your day with one of our amazing Shiurim
Mishnah Daily
Just 3 Mishnayos a day with a short audio & Mishna text.Finish Mishnayos in 4 years
Sefardic Mishnah Daily
*Sephardic* Just 3 Mishnayot a day Finish in only 4 years. Short Video & Mishna text by Rabbi Joey Mizrahi.
Embrace Shabbos
Change your Shabbat atmosphere with one initiative a week. Email with audio & text from Rabbi David Sutton.
Soul Sisters
Daily Email For Women Comprising of chizuk and inspiration, Emuna and Tefilla, hope & help, stemming from the words of Torah & Psychology Given By Mrs Zahava Farbman | MSW, PHD
Real World
Short Video & transcription by best selling author Rabbi Yisroel Besser. Helping us see “The Real World” with a fresh perspective.
Nach Daily
Short audio and text of a summary on a every Perek in Tanch given by Rabbi Shaya Sussman.
Think Hashem
Very short-thought provoking message, to help us think of Hashem, authored by Rabbi Binyomin Sussman.
Inspiration Daily
A short audio & text by Rabbi Yechiel Spero on inspirational topics of Torah, Tefilla, Happiness, Faith, & Hashkafa.
Daf Yomi
A Clear Consice shiur on the daily Daf Yomi.
Given by Rabbi Shmuel Trenk
Daily Sanity
A daily short video clip based on R’ Nachman of Breslov’s *Sefer Likutei Eitzos* by Reb Chaim Freud
Emuna Daily
Short powerful audio & text of Chizuk on Emuna, given by Rabbi David Ashear.
Guard Your Mouth
Short audio based on Chofetz Chaim – A Lesson A Day & Loving Kindness, given by Rabbi Nosson Scherman.
Kitzur Daily
A one year program to learn
entire Kitzur Shulchan Aruch.
A daily email with the hebrew text and short audio shiur
Loving Kindness
Short audio based on Chofetz Chaim – Loving Kindness, given by Rabbi Nosson Scherman
Understanding Prayer
Step by step explanation of the words of prayer. Short audio and transcript By Rabbi Yitzchok Goodman
Mishna Berura
Learn, Master, & Understand 2 Seifim a day. Short audio, text summary & Mishna Berura text
by Rabbi Yehonasan Soffer
Reb Shimon Groner ZT"L
Learn, Master, & Understand 2 Seifim a day. Short audio, text summary & Mishna Berura text
by Rabbi Yehonasan Soffer
Torah / Chizuk Status
Learn, Master, & Understand 2 Seifim a day. Short audio, text summary & Mishna Berura text
by Rabbi Yehonasan Soffer
Daily Chessed
A short Audio/written shiur about chesed
by; Rabbi Paysach Krohn.
With the goal of bringing awareness to the greatness of even one act of chesed daily
Praying With Fire
Daily Chizuk on Tefilla based on Rabbi Heshy Kleinman’s book – Praying With Fire. Audio by Rabbi Nosson Scherman.